Le 18 Comunità Rurali della Parrocchia di Nossa Senhora do Perpétuo Socorro, ad Adrianópolis/PR – Diocesi di Paranaguá, in Brasile, hanno celebrato il MESE della BIBBIA, ricevendo la PAROLA di
Discernment 101 is a series of biblical talks and prayer opportunities facilitated by the Daughters of St. Paul (USA) to help young people grow in their relationship with God and discern how God is inviting them to live out the gift of who they are in the world. This series is open to single Catholic women between the ages of 16 and 33. Join the sisters on Zoom from 10:00 – 11:30 AM Central Time for a talk and small group conversation facilitated by the Daughters of St. Paul. Are you in Saint Louis, Missouri or Alexandria, Virginia? Join the sisters in person for the talk, discussion, and time for prayer. See more on.
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Tlf. +34 91 742 5113 · sobicain@sobicain.org
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