Quattro appuntamenti di spiritualità per entrare nella dimensione dell’Avvento 2024, confrontandosi con la ricerca del volto di Dio. E’ questo il percorso offerto dai “martedì biblici” di VENITE E VEDETE
December 17 marks the beginning of the “O Antiphons,” an ancient part of our liturgy, dating back to the fourth century, one for each day until Christmas Eve. These antiphons address Christ with seven magnificent Messianic titles, based on the Old Testament prophecies and the “types” of Christ. The Church recalls the variety of the ills of man before the coming of the Redeemer. Fr. Stephen Wang, Rector of the Venerable English College in Rome, guides us on the meaning and significance of these Advent antiphons.
Join Fr. Wang in his YouTube channel PauseforFaith for conversation, prayer, and reflection on the incredible treasures of the Christian faith where he will accompany you as you dip into the Scriptures, Catholic history, the lives of the saints, Christian belief, and spiritual traditions. You can also like and follow him in his Facebook page or follow him on Twitter and Instagram: @pauseforfaith. Here is the video reflection:
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