A medida que se acerca la Semana Santa, la Fundación Martini propone volver a escuchar los audios de la Escuela de la Palabra 1983-1984: meditaciones a partir del Salmo 50
The Gregorian University Fondation invite to register for this year’s virtual guided retreat extended over the six weeks of Lent. There will be two talks per week with reflections drawn from the Gospel as well as from personal experiences that can offer participants inspiration, motives and practices for finding and cultivating hope this Lenten season. The talks will be posted each Sunday and Wednesday and will be available for viewing whenever is convenient. The retreat is complimentary and open to anyone who is interested and registers by clicking below. See more.
SOBICAIN / Centro Bíblico San Pablo · c/ Protasio Gómez, 15. 28027 MADRID · Tlf. +34 91 742 5113 · sobicain@sobicain.org · Todos los derechos reservados
SOBICAIN / Centro Bíblico San Pablo
C/ Protasio Gómez, 15. 28027 MADRID
Tlf. +34 91 742 5113
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