Centro Bíblico San Pablo

SOBICAIN / Centro Bíblico San Pablo

Genesis to Jesus: a free Bible Study in 12 sessions.

What is the Bible, where does it come from, and what is its purpose? How are Catholics supposed to read the Bible and what story does it tell? These are the ever-important questions answered in Genesis to Jesus, to learn the basic Catholic principles for reading Scripture and to survey the broad outlines of the books of the Bible and their place in the story of salvation. The study consists of four main parts: the videos, the workbook, the supplemental materials, and the leader guide. The videos contain the bulk of the content, and can be viewed by themselves for a rich catechetical experience, but they were designed to be accompanied by the workbook. With a space for notes, recommended reading assignments, review questions, discussion questions and review notes, you’ll be fully prepared to absorb the rich content from the videos.

Para mayor información aquí y el siguiente video:
