A medida que se acerca la Semana Santa, la Fundación Martini propone volver a escuchar los audios de la Escuela de la Palabra 1983-1984: meditaciones a partir del Salmo 50
The Lent and Easter seasons mark the holiest times of the year for us as Catholics. The 40 days of the Season of Lent is our preparation for the great feast of the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. To be worthy of this great feast, the Church invites us to pray, almsgiving, fast, and do Confessions. However, there seems to be a “lag” moment. After all, 40 days seems too long. CatholicLink offers us a Resource Guide on how we should spend our Lent. One interesting proposal is to immerse ourselves in reading books by Catholic authors that will surely help us these days. Return by Fr John Burns, “a beautiful guided journal for prayer. Each week of Lent, the book breaks down part of the liturgy’s first reading from Ash Wednesday in which the prophet Joel calls us to wholehearted conversion”; The Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ by Archbishop Alban Goodier, S.J., an account that provides an intimate look at the sufferings of Our Lord through the minds and hearts of those closest to Him. You’ll see Jesus through the eyes of His apostles, those who condemned Him, His executioners, and those He met along the way to the Cross.”
These are just some of the proposed readings that will help us in our days of Lent.
To learn more about the other proposals, click here.
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