Centro Biblico San Paolo

SOBICAIN / Centro Biblico San Paolo

Where Did the Apostles Preached? From the Kerygma to Their Relics

Reliquiosamente. This is the name of the site dedicated by Nicoletta De Matthaeis to the post-Easter life of the apostles. Where did the Eleven preach? How did they die? Where are their mortal remains today? To these and other questions the reader will find a comprehensive answer. A graduate of Modern Foreign Languages and Literature at La Sapienza University in Rome, Nicoletta is a great lover of medieval art, especially Romanesque, pre-Romanesque and early Christian art, to which she dedicated much of her life. She currently lives in Madrid. She authored Andar per Miracoli. Guida all’affascinante mondo delle reliquie romane  (Guide to the Fascinating World of Roman Relics) and Legati a una reliquia. Un viaggio alla scoperta di sette reliquie che hanno cambiato la storia  (Legacies to a Relic: A journey to Discover Seven Relics That Have Changed History) as well as an exhaustive article in Spanish on the mosaics of Ravenna, published on the website of “Circulo Románico”, one of the most important portals dedicated to Romanesque art currently existing (see here).

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