Centro Biblico San Paolo

SOBICAIN / Centro Biblico San Paolo

Peter, Thomas and Nicodemus: Witnesses of the Mystery

In the experience of the 15th Diocesan Biblical Week  the parishes of Vicenza approaches the figures of disciples and witnesses who, in the Fourth Gospel, meet the Lord. From July 4 to 6, the focus will be on the apostles Peter and Thomas and the figure of Nicodemus. The goal is to discover how the encounter with the Lord changed their lives in order to renew the lives of the disciples and disciples of our time. The Word made flesh is a living Word that challenges our time and renews the invitation to follow it. The experience is led by experienced and passionate biblical scholars (Ilenia Goss, Aldo Martin, Francesca Rizzo, Patrizio Rota Scalabrini), rich in experience and ability to make the Word known. Art will allow us to approach biblical figures by appealing to other languages, arousing emotions and wonder. The detailed program of the week is attached.


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