Centro Biblico San Paolo

SOBICAIN / Centro Biblico San Paolo

January 21: Celebration of the Sunday of the Word of God

As every year, we make available to our readers, the guide for the celebration of the Sunday of the Word of God. This year falls on January 21. The 2024 liturgical guide is divided into three parts: the first, pausing on the liturgical aspects of this annual appointment, offers a commentary on the readings of the day, gives an outline for the prayer of the faithful and some indications for the celebration of the Eucharist and for the correct valorization of the Gospel Book which, on this day (and every Sunday!) should receive the “place of honor.” The second part delves into the meaning of the ambo, its history, and its location helping us to understand how the place of celebration should never be thought of in the wake of personal taste but from precise criteria that convey a theology and inherit a long and significant history. Finally, the third part proposes a series of paths with a pastoral imprint, which can be divided as proposals for prayer, catechesis, formative meetings, and personal and community research. The common element is the centrality of the Word of God and its incisiveness on personal and ecclesial life. Like the first disciples, we too are challenged by a call that takes concrete form in different life paths. Download the guide  in lingua italiana.

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