The Book of Genesis chapters 1 to 11 will be the theme around which the the 19th edition of the Festival Biblico will be focusing. The festival is promoted by the Diocese of Vicenza and the Society Saint Paul to stimulate some reflections on contemporaneity in the light of the Sacred Hebrew-Christian Scriptures. The project is supported by the Dioceses of Verona, Padua, Adria-Rovigo, Vittorio Veneto, Treviso, Chioggia – the latter in its first edition – and Alba in the formula of the Fuori Festival. The first 11 chapters of Genesis, the first book of the Bible, are narratives that stretches forward and that focuses on the origins of the world and of humanity, thus opening up to the great questions about the meaning of life. Themes such as the creation of the world and of history, the relationships between living beings and the difficult fraternity between men, freedom, transgression, sin, redemption, work, judgment, faith, find space in the pages of Genesis 1-11 and clearly connect to today’s times. To learn more about this event, visit the site dedicate. Click here.
SOBICAIN / St. Paul's Bible Centre · c/ Protasio Gómez, 15. 28027 MADRID · Tlf. +34 91 742 5113 · · All rights reserved
SOBICAIN / Centro Bíblico San Pablo
C/ Protasio Gómez, 15. 28027 MADRID
Tlf. +34 91 742 5113
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