Centro Biblico San Paolo

SOBICAIN / Centro Biblico San Paolo

Official Hymn of the Jubilee 2025: Pilgrims of Hope

Preparatory initiatives in view of the Jubilee 2025, which has as its main theme the theme of hope, are already beginning this year. To facilitate the estimated 32 million pilgrims who will arrive in Rome for this great event, the official Jubilee website has been active since May 10 at this link. The portal in 9 languages is functional and already presents some of the most important contents to learn about the Jubilee event. It is a window to the Jubilee, agile and easily usable by everyone, children, young people and adults.
During the journey, the song often appears on the lips, as if it were a faithful companion to express the traveler’s motives. This applies also to the life of faith, which is a pilgrimage in the light of the risen Lord. The Holy Scriptures are permeated with song and the Psalms are a clear example of this: the prayers of the people of Israel were written to be sung, and in song to present before the Lord the most human events. The tradition of the Church does nothing but prolong this union, making song and music one of the lungs of its liturgy. The Jubilee, which in itself is expressed as an event of people on pilgrimage to the Holy Door, also finds in song one of the ways to give voice to its motto “Pilgrims of Hope”.
The Jubilee 2025 hymn, chosen from among 270 hymns from 38 countries, prepared by Pierangelo Sequeri, set to music by Francesco Meneghello, intercepts the many themes of the Holy Year. First of all, the motto, “Pilgrims of Hope,” finds its best biblical echo in some pages of the prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 9 and Isaiah 60). The themes of creation, fraternity, God’s tenderness and hope in destiny resonate in language that is not “technically” theological, though it is so in substance and allusions, to make it ring eloquently in the ears of our time. Listen to the hymn:






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