Centro Biblico San Paolo

SOBICAIN / Centro Biblico San Paolo

The Word: the Source of Life and Mission for the Church

Every Tuesday and Thursday from 17:30 to 19:00 (Colombia time), from October 10 to 30 November,  Cebipal – CBF – LAC (Catholic Biblical Biblical Federation – Latin America and Caribbean Region) offers a training course that aims to train people engaged in Biblical Pastoral Animation. The specific objectives are presented by the organizers: “a) To share the experiences of CBA that are being developed in the ecclesial communities represented by the participants, as a starting point of the see-judge-act method of the course-workshop. b) To understand the ecclesial trajectory of Latin America and the Caribbean in the area of biblical pastoral ministry since the Second Vatican Council. c) To assimilate, with the help of specialists, the overall picture that underlies CBA”. The following professors will intervene: Fr. Guillermo de Jesús Acero Alvarín, Fr. César de Jesús Buitrago López, Sr. María del Socorro Becerra, Gerardo García Helder, Sr. Rosmery Castañeda Montoya, Jhon Fredy Mayor Tamayo.

For more information please visit the website.

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