Centro Biblico San Paolo

SOBICAIN / Centro Biblico San Paolo

The House of Sts. Peter and Andrew… Discovered?

Last Friday, July 19, the team of Israeli archaeologists claimed to have made an exceptional discovery for the history of Christianity. They have discovered the foundations of a church at El-Araj in Galilee, where they have been excavating for two years, and claim that it was built over the birthplace of the apostles Peter and Andrew. Could the village of El-Araj be the ancient fishing village of Bethsaida, mentioned in the Gospels, where Peter and Andrew were born (John 1:44)? To confirm his hypothesis, the director of the archaeological excavation, Mordechai Aviam, declared that the church corresponded to the description given by the Bavarian Archbishop Willibald during his trip to Bethsaida in 725.

Read more here.


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