Centro Biblico San Paolo

SOBICAIN / Centro Biblico San Paolo

“Come and See”: Advent Reflections Through the Scriptures, Cinema and Art

On the occasion of Advent, Centro Culturale San Paolo, in collaboration with the International Coordination of the Biblical Center, proposes four spiritual meditations that will support on some biblical texts of the Old and New Testaments. These  meditations will go into the depth of the text through the languages of art, cinema and music. The songs will be contextualized and deepened, it will then show how art, cinema and music have interpreted them. The speakers will discuss artists such as Il Caravaggio, Bruegel the Elder, Rembrandt, Bosh and with classical and recent film performances of Creation, Moses, Maria di Màgdala, Peter. Behind every appointment a precise conviction: the Word has a richness and a strength that far exceeds those who, in different ways, mediate its contents. Rather than presenting concepts, it presents us with a Face that establishes a living dialogue with us. Attached the promotional poster. See here.

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