Once again SambuhayTV, just like the previous years, the multimedia apostolic initiative of the priests and brothers of the Society of Saint Paul Philippines offers its yearly Via Crucis or
In Milan, in a poor house in a neighborhood of first immigration, a small community of Jesuits set out on a common search for a renewed way of life. At the center of their day they placed the word of God, prayer, Ignatian spirituality, and attention to young people, especially nonbelievers. The essential lifestyle, shared domestic burdens, total gratuity in ministry, a minimum of work to secure their daily bread, immersion in the lively social fabric and apostolic work prepared and lived together gave birth to the Community of Villapizzone, today composed of five Jesuits, which has become a point of reference for many. Today the community makes available the precious fruit of the lectio conducted regularly by the different brothers of the community. Also in the precious material are the catecheses of Father Sivano Fausti. To learn more, click here.
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C/ Protasio Gómez, 15. 28027 MADRID
Tlf. +34 91 742 5113
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